Big Government

Below are links to my contributions on Breitbart’s Big Government site.

8 Responses to Big Government

  1. Shannon says:

    You are aware that Breitbart has been caught red-handed lying on multiple occasions, right?

    • He exposed ACORN for rampant corruption, broke a story about Medicaid providing services to foreign drug dealers and terrorists, and broke the Weiner scandal. He seems to be doing a better job than the mainstream media in uncovering real stories.

      To which occasions are you referring?

  2. Marlon says:

    I would agree that the main stream media is completely ineffective and has the single goal of protecting corporations, they will never even look for this kind of story.

    However, defending a guy who rampantly manufactured lies to take down an organization that tried to help the poor vote. There is video of Brietbart explaining how he did it and how he manipulated the video, which doesn’t matter to you because you are “rational”.

    There is only one reason all this took place, that group typically votes democrat. Which is really important for rational Republicans because the only way Republicans can win. Prevent people from voting.

    As for sex scandals, I find it amazing that Weiner’s personal life is a really important “scandal” for rational Republicans, while Senator David Vitter, you know the Republican “family values party” guy who was caught dressing up in diapers while prostitutes treated him like a baby? was given a standing ovation when he returned to the senate because he refused to resign. Personally, Mr. “I’m not gay and I never have been gay” Larry Craig was my favorite.

    If Breitbart had O’Keefe dress up as one of Mitt Romney’s friends and captured video showing how a group of wealthy people don’t give a shit about 99% of the country and then listening to them discuss how to pay no taxes for ten year, then you ignore it.

    There is nothing rational here but sweeping ignorance on what is really going on in this country. I remember when Republicans used to advocate privacy, and then Bush happened.

  3. “As for sex scandals, I find it amazing that Weiner’s personal life is a really important “scandal” for rational Republicans, while Senator David Vitter, you know the Republican “family values party” guy who was caught dressing up in diapers while prostitutes treated him like a baby? was given a standing ovation when he returned to the senate because he refused to resign. Personally, Mr. “I’m not gay and I never have been gay” Larry Craig was my favorite.”

    Who said anything about sex scandals. Man, that one came out of left field.

    I challenge you to find anything on my site. Literally anything that mentions a sex scandal on either side (and my comment below does not count since it is addressing yours). You won’t because it has nothing to do with policy. Please come better armed before you make assumptions about me. All politicians are hypocrites. In your statement, you conveniently forget that President Clinton did not resign after the Lewinsky scandal but Speaker of the House Bob Livingston did when the media discovered his affair. Both sides have hypocrites. It would be irrational to suggest only your side is honorable. Because, frankly neither side is.

    “However, defending a guy who rampantly manufactured lies to take down an organization that tried to help the poor vote. There is video of Brietbart explaining how he did it and how he manipulated the video, which doesn’t matter to you because you are ‘rational’.”

    So you are saying that ACORN did not commit voter fraud? Do you think it is all right for an organization to encourage voter fraud?

    “If Breitbart had O’Keefe dress up as one of Mitt Romney’s friends and captured video showing how a group of wealthy people don’t give a shit about 99% of the country and then listening to them discuss how to pay no taxes for ten year, then you ignore it.”

    I don’t understand what your point is here. Your argument rambles, pulls random arguments out of thin air, and then ascribes thoughts to me that I don’t have and have never put in writing.

    “There is nothing rational here but sweeping ignorance on what is really going on in this country. I remember when Republicans used to advocate privacy, and then Bush happened.”

    Are you kidding me? Sweeping ignorance? You might want to read a little bit more about a guy named Snowden and review the Obama administration’s record on privacy laws. You might also want to read about a little organization called the NSA.

    If you want to accuse me of “sweeping ignorance” please: 1) provide evidence to support your argument (hint: you haven’t), and 2) please do some homework before you put pen to paper. This is the first time in a long while when I didn’t need to carefully research my responses, because your arguments lack any real understanding of what is actually going on in the world.

    • Marlon says:

      All right, I will try to do stay focused this time on two issues. I don’t expect you to research anything, this is your opinion. What’s funny though, is you think I “lack any understanding of the real world” and I think you are in a giant bubble. By the way, you have a tremendous resume. Congratulations on your accomplishments.

      ACORN and Voter Fraud

      This is a much bigger issue than just ACORN. Pretending to be concerned about voter fraud doesn’t mean anything if the policy it to practice it.

      Who was indicted or charged in the ACORN “scandal”? I’d like you to site who was charged with a crime. Since voter fraud is a crime, surely someone was charged, right? Even though the congressional report cleared ACORN of any wrongdoing, ACORN is still a talking point. Did you read the congressional report?

      “Do you think it is all right for an organization to encourage voter fraud?” Ironically, that is exactly what Breitbart did. They manipulated video to convince people of something, after encouraging voter fraud to take down an organization that helped register poor people to vote.

      Do you think it’s acceptable to lie, use trickery, manipulation and cherry pick information to accomplish a policy goal?

      Of course I do not support voter fraud of any kind and I want every citizen to vote. The policy of attempting to prevent people from voting is also voter fraud, which apparently Republicans are really concerned about. For decades Republican’s policy has been continuously focused on passing laws to target specific groups of democratic voters, purge voters from the list, limit voting facilities in specific neighborhoods and gerrymandering political districts to prevent voting. What issue should we all focus on? ACORN.

      Do you support abolishing the right to vote for certain classes of people? Let the founder of the conservative movement explain:

      Privacy Laws

      Your paragraph here is where I completely lose the rational theme and where you go into giant bubble. Making the statement blaming President Obama for his privacy law record and the NSA? Have you ever seen a timeline of NSA activity? When did the domestic spying program start? Doh! President George Bush’s first term. Here is your source:

      I completely disagree with President Obama continuing all the President Bush policies, but trying to disown the Republican Party’s genesis of these policies is disingenuous to say the least. Why domestic spying is an issue now, and when President Bush installed these policies, there wasn’t a peep from Republicans (other than concern about wearing a flag pin).


      You are throwing a keyword into your statement with no explanation. I’m not sure what your point is.

      In Closing

      I am anxious to see your sited examples in your response.

  4. “Who was indicted or charged in the ACORN “scandal”? I’d like you to site who was charged with a crime. Since voter fraud is a crime, surely someone was charged, right? Even though the congressional report cleared ACORN of any wrongdoing, ACORN is still a talking point. Did you read the congressional report?”

    Here’s an article from Fox News claiming that 18 people associated with ACORN were indicted for voter fraud or outright admitted to it (see:

    I know, I know. It’s Fox News. That’s a fair point. How about these two ACORN convictions cited in the Wall Street Journal (

    I support the right of all US citizens to vote. I do not support voter fraud, no groups that encourage it.

    “Making the statement blaming President Obama for his privacy law record and the NSA? Have you ever seen a timeline of NSA activity? When did the domestic spying program start? Doh! President George Bush’s first term.”

    I never defended Bush. I merely pointed out that Democrats have also disregarded privacy laws. It’s not just the Republican Party.

    • Marlon says:

      Proving my point about the rational theme. Associating with Fox News, Beck, Breitbart, etc. is not rational. For me at least, using Fox News as proof means you have nothing else.

      Your statement on Breitbart: “He exposed ACORN for rampant corruption”.

      Your “proof” is written in an intentionally vague way, by a well-known conservative, in an opinion column. “Washington state prosecutors fined Acorn $25,000 after several employees were convicted of voter registration fraud in 2007”. I guess that clears that up. Was it 2 or 3? Wow. Rampant. I guess you have a much different threshold of proof than I do.

      As for privacy policy, what you did do was blame President Obama when it is an absolute, prove-able policy of the Republican policy. It’s is a game played to hide the bad policy of your party. You should just own it instead of pretending it didn’t happen.

      • “‘Washington state prosecutors fined Acorn $25,000 after several employees were convicted of voter registration fraud in 2007′”. I guess that clears that up. Was it 2 or 3? Wow. Rampant. I guess you have a much different threshold of proof than I do.”

        Your argument was that no one from ACORN had been convicted of voter fraud. I posted two articles that proved otherwise. So, yes, if documented proof demonstrating your proposition is false is not enough, then you do have a “different” threshold of proof than I do.

        “As for privacy policy, what you did do was blame President Obama when it is an absolute, prove-able policy of the Republican policy. It’s is a game played to hide the bad policy of your party. You should just own it instead of pretending it didn’t happen.”

        You’re distorting my argument. I blamed both parties. You’re blaming one. The Republicans aren’t in power now, yet the government has been collecting millions of citizens’ emails. Why hasn’t it stopped? Are Republicans still single-handedly responsible?

        “‘Washington state prosecutors fined Acorn $25,000 after several employees were convicted of voter registration fraud in 2007’. I guess that clears that up.”

        Well, actually, it does.

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