Daniels Is Out

Source: Greg Swiercz/South Bend Tribune, via Associated Press via The New York Times

Mitch Daniels, one of the more promising candidates in the Republican field, announced today he would not be running for the Republican presidential nomination.

His rationale centered on family considerations.

It seems Obama’s reelection victory appears increasingly likely as one of the more qualified Republican candidates exits the field.

About Sean Patrick Hazlett

Finance executive, engineer, former military officer, and science fiction and horror writer. Editor of the Weird World War III anthology.
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12 Responses to Daniels Is Out

  1. nickgb says:

    I mean, it’s Pawlenty’s to lose at this point, right?

  2. nickgb says:

    Also, Daniels is a great stand-in for “Older Putin” in that photo

  3. Does this create pressure on Chris Christy or some one like that to come in???

  4. As much as I like Chris Christie, he is in the second year of his first term as NJ Governor. There is something to be said for people who get elected to a second term. Being reelected means the people who know you best have seen you in the job and want you back. It’s the people’s vote of confidence. Politically I always wonder about those who choose not to seek a second term and that is one of the reasons I am concerned about Mitt Romney. When the people who know you best do not want to keep you, or your afraid to submit to their verdict, there is a message buried somewhere in that. Pawlenty and Huntsman have been there and had the people extend their administrations. A good thing I think.

  5. I stay up at night fearing President Obama in a second term. However in the sumer of 1979 Ronald Reagan looked like a washed up has-been and John Connoly was the great hope of the GOP. What a difference a year makes. Yes I would like a few more serious candidates in the race, but I think some we have now (T Paw and Huntsman) would stack up nicely with the current president.

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