Gender Genie Identifies Sex Based on Writing Style

Today I discovered a fascinating tool called the Gender Genie thanks to Clarissa over at Clarissa’s Blog.

The tool purports to be able to predict one’s gender based on a sample of one’s writing. I decided to test the tool on three samples: 1) my blog post, “More“, 2) the 5,000+ word short story I entered into the Writers of the Future Contest, and 3) a writing sample from my wife.

Here are the results:


Source: Gender Genie

Writers of the Future Contest Submission

Source: Gender Genie

Wife’s Writing Sample

Source: Gender Genie

So, according to the Genie, I am married to a man.


The bottom line is that my non-fiction writing is more masculine than my wife’s non-fiction writing, which, in turn, is more masculine than my fiction writing. In fact, I can quantify it. My non-fiction writing is over three times as masculine as my fiction writing.

Pretty weird, huh?

I look forward to hearing your results.

About Sean Patrick Hazlett

Finance executive, engineer, former military officer, and science fiction and horror writer. Editor of the Weird World War III anthology.
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9 Responses to Gender Genie Identifies Sex Based on Writing Style

  1. It starts to sound like the gender genie thinks the entire planet is populated exclusively by men. 🙂 Has anybody been told they have female writing?

    Well, at least the gender genie is offering some great entertainment. 🙂

    • I think my fiction writing came the closest to being identified as female, but so far no one has tested female yet. Thanks for alerting me to the Gender Genie. The empirical data coming in thus far seems to confirm your original hypothesis that it is stupid. At least it’s fun! 😉

  2. efgd says:

    That was fun. Serious blog and essays classed me as male. More general blog clased me as female. Hmm.
    Thanks for the fun link.

  3. “So, according to the Genie, I am married to a man.”

    Good think you live in California, not Texas I guess.

  4. Alyce says:

    I am female and invariably every sample of my writing came up as HEAVILY male. Go figure.

  5. Vicki says:

    Huh, it got my gender right and I was actually trying to get it to think I was a guy (I wrote the story in first-person from a guy’s perspective). Dang it, the thing’s onto me.

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